How magical can the creation of 2 atoms of Hydrogen combined with 1 atom of Oxygen truly be? Well if you consider that Hydrogen, being the first and lightest element on our periodic table, is by far the most prevalent element in the universe and Oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth, you got yourself quite the molecule for Life!
This portal explores the various discoveries about water, especially in respect to the Human experience and how consciousness seems to comfortably reside within this molecular combination, which in fact composes the majority of the body you sustain.
As you drink, bathe, cook, clean, feed your garden or use water for various personal reasons, remember that your body is composed in a large proportion of water. Water soothes, water refreshes, water feeds and sustains us. Dr. Emoto's experiments, introduced in the movie "What the Bleep do we Know?" makes a compelling discovery about the relationship between thoughts and intentions and the reactive nature of water upon impressing them on it. This leads to the question as to what happens when thoughts and intentions are impressed upon a human being. How do our own thoughts impress themselves upon the water you hold in your body? Do other people's thoughts towards us also make an impact on the water we hold? Is it possible that what we feel to be emotions, are just waves of energy travelling through our body's conductive water supply knowing that water is a highly conductive electrical medium?
Perhaps by blessing yourself each day, your "crystalline" molecular structure will pattern itself in well being and further any healing you may require.
H2O as it is called in elementary terms, discover in this video what this amazing, life sustaining, molecule which permeates our planet actually does.
Above its simple features of being nourishing for all life forms on the planet, to creating destructive Tsunamis, the molecule of water holds more secrets that seem beyond its initial purpose in Life.
This video introduces you to the reactive properties of water and its natural ability to retain information and modify itself into more than its original state.
In no particular order of importance
Masaru Emoto
Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist who revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm, is one of the most important water researchers the world has known. For over 20 years until he passed away in 2014, he studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and intentions.